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Action from a Taumarunui inter-school touch tournament held earlier this year

TLC funding deadline looming

26 June 2019

King Country community groups have until June 30 to apply for community funding support from The Lines Company (TLC).

TLC has three community funding rounds each year with the next one closing at the end of this month. Funding applications are especially encouraged for two key areas; events or projects which support children, youth and whanau, or projects focussed on energy efficiency.

Preference is given to projects with high-visibility which benefit the wider community, free-of-charge events and events or projects which have already secured other sourcing of funding.  The aim is for any funding provided to benefit as many people as possible within the TLC’s network area.

In the last 12 months, TLC has contributed around $85,000 to the community via its community fund with more than 40 groups or projects supported.  Seven groups benefited from the last funding round including the Te Kūiti Squash Club which used a TLC community grant to help purchase a defibrillator, Grey Power Ruapehu and the Taumarunui Youth and Community Trust and their support for inter-school sports.

TLC’s community funding is separate from its support of the independent Maru Energy Trust which helps keep local homes warm.

Those wishing to apply for funding support should apply online at www.thelinescompany.co.nz.  To be considered, applications must be received by Sunday, June 30.

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